Monday, September 13, 2010

Join Cosplay and Enjoy Fun

For many new cosplayers, the first cosplay is rather important, whether you have prepared to join cosplay and enjoy the fun that cosplay will take for you? If not, here are some good tips for.

Immerse yourself in the culture. Watch anime, sci-fi and fantasy movies and television shows. Play popular video games and dive into the popular Cosplay websites.

Choose a character. Find a favorite character that you would like to embody. Choose someone who looks unusual with a fun costume. You do not have to look like the character you will Cosplay.

Make or buy a costume. The better your costume, the more attention you will get. Research your character thoroughly and find pictures to use as a guideline. Choose a costume and put pieces together to create your look. Buy cosplay costumes online or have a costume custom made.

Know how to interact with other Cosplayers. Ask permission before touching or photographing another Cosplayer. Respect other players' props and be gentle with their accessories. Be kind and only say positive things about other players' costumes. Cosplay is considered art, and as such it is subjective.

Go to Cosplay events. People Cosplay in many places, such as video game shows, Cosplay parties, nightclubs and conventions. Find a list of events on Cosplay websites.

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